Frances Road ~ 1911 Census
The 1911 Census was taken on the 2 April of that year. It differed to previous census in that a separate page was given over to each household detailing how long the couple had been married, how many children had been born (and how many were still living), the Industry/Service and the work status of the inhabitants.
George Docker / Head / Married / 49 / Roadman / B'ham Council / Smethwick, Staffordshire
Ada Docker / Wife / Married 21yrs / 39 / 13 children (10 living / 3 dead) / Yorshire (NK town)
George Docker / Son / single / 20 / Greenkeeper / Golf Links / All Saints
William Docker / Son / single / 19 / Engine Cleaner / Railway / Selly Oak, Wor
Alfred Docker / son / single / 15 / Polisher / Cycle Mft / Hockley, Staffs
Lily Docker / daughter / 13 / School / Winson Green, B'ham
Elsie Docker / daughter / 8 / School / Kings Norton, Wor
Violet Docker / daughter / 6 / School / Kings Norton, Wor
Howard Docker / son / 5 / Northfield, Wor
Arthur Docker / son / 4 / Northfield, Wor
Amy Docker / daughter / 1 / Kings Norton, Wor
Kate Docker / daughter / 1mth / Kings Norton, Wor
3 Frances Road, Cotteridge
Percy Cutts / Married / 34 / Non Resident Attendant / B'ham, Aston, Kings Norton Joint Poor Law Establishment Cttee / Hucknall Torkard, Notts
Gertrude Jane Cutts / Married 2yrs (no children) / 34 / Reading, Berks
5 Francis (sic) Road, Kings Norton
Walter W Clayton / Head / Married / 30 / House Painter / Birmingham
Elizabeth Clayton / Wife / Married 5yrs / 1 child (still living) / Bromsgrove
Gladys Clayton / daughter / 2 / Birmingham
Esther Mountford / boarder / single / 25 / Warehouse Work / Screw Mft / Bromsgrove
7 Francis (sic) Road, Kings Norton
Arthur Smith / Head / 49 / Married / Iron and Steel Turner / Kings Norton, Worcestershire
Harriet Smith / Wife / 52 / Married 30yrs / 4 children (3 living / 1 dead) / Coleford, Gloucestershire
Harold Smith / son / 19 / single / India Rubber Mixer / Kings Norton, Worcestershire
9 Frances Road
James Crumpton / Head / Married / 47 / Metal Annealer / Birmingham
Ada Charlotte Crumpton / Wife / Married 15yrs / 5 children (2 living / 3 dead) / 38 / House Wife / Birmingham
Thomas Crumpton / son / 12 / School / Kings Norton
John Crumpton / son / 7 / Kings Norton
William Clements / lodger / 32 / single / General Labourer / Builder / B'ham, Warwickshire
11 Frances Road
Walter Bevan / Head / Widower / 52 / Labourer Metal Works / Kings Norton Metal Co. / Birmingham
Maria Bevan / daughter / married / 32 / Birmingham
Walter William / son / 23 / Chocolate Worker / Cadbury Bournville / Washwood Heath
Albert Bevan / son / 20 / Unemployed / Birmingham
Sydney Bevan / son / 17 / Metal Works / Kings Norton Metal Co. / Stirchley
* crossed out on the original page are the names of other children - Boshus Edward Bevan 30, Harry Bevan 27 and Christopher Bevan 25. Also
struck through is that Walter snr was married for 23yrs, had 7 children (all living) and that his daughter had been married for 9yrs with 3
children (all living).
updates ongoing at 3 March 2010