Miscellaneous Businesses in Cotteridge circa 1920-1940
Taken from local Telephone Directories, note the telephone number prefix starts with 'KIN' and is displayed in the following order (please note the years given are not indicative of total years in business, only of telephone directories currently available) ~ Year / Name / Business Type / Address / Tel No.
1934 EDEN C F Butcher 1815 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1805
1936 CROSS Geo Jeweller 1869 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1707
1932 AMES F Casters 1857 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1885
1937 COLLINS A Plumber 1689 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1811
1926-27 CUTLER Samuel Haulage, Coal Mcht 1737 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 531
1927-32 DOWLER W&E Ladies' Hairdressing 1867 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 344
1930 DREW F M Eggs 1818 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 443
1929-31 EVANS H Bazaar 1811 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 661
1928 FISHER Noah & Son Haulage 1771 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 54
1928-36 FLEETWOOD WR Haulage 1775 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1448
1934-37 H G H Hardware 1843 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1321
1934 HARE FG Ladies' Hairdresser Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1510
1932 HARRIS Joseph Ltd, Dyers & Cleaners 1851 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1888
1929-30 HORNE C Kenneth 1839 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 149
1927-29 ISABEL LTD Millinery, Ladies' Outfitting 1841 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 622
1929-37 JONES WH Furnisher 1865 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 668
1931 MASON GEORGE J LTD Grocers, Provision Merchants 1881 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1635
1923-30 MASON JOSEPH L & CO Fish & C 206 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 120
1937 OSBORNE WE Butcher 1845 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1398
1935 PEARSALL JW Butcher 1845 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1398
1929-37 SCOUSE F Drapery 1871 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 370
1931 SMITHS Furniture 1819 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1283
1938 TRAVES Mrs Edith 1683 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1200
1929-36 WALKER TC Hairdressers 1817 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1068
1936-41 WALKER H Hairdressers 1817 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1068
1934-37 WALLACE & CO Radio 1839 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1926
1937 WEST J Baker 1805 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1685
1929-34 WHITEHOUSE HA Dentist 1659 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 1416
1924-31 WILLIAMS GW Motor Haulage / Taxis 1653 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 348
19331-35 GRANT ARMS Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 666 & KIN 1666 (Public House)
1924-35 COTTERIDGE SOCIAL CLUB 1842 Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 360 & KIN 1360
1924-31 MEMORIAL INSTITUTE EX-SERVICE MEN'S Pershore Rd, Cotteridge KIN 357 & KIN 1357
1921 'Voter's Index Snippets' for Frances Road
3 SEARS William
51 BLUNN George & Violet
57 BANNER William James & Mary
131 SEARS William John, Elizabeth & Leonard
108 POTTER Joseph William & Katherine Sarah
106 GREGORY Timothy & Eliza
86 TIPPING Walter Edward, Anne Matilda & William Edwin
70 BADGER Thomas & Agnes Ellen
68 HOWES John, Eliza & Bertie
60 HOWES John Thomas & Florence
58 BROWN Charles Henry & Beatrice
54 DOCKER William & Florence
52 HICKEY Laurence, Sophia & John Patrick
40 BANNER Josiah & Mary Ann
36 HOWES Albert
34 BEECH Edward Henry & Mary J
26 RICHARDSON John & Elizabeth
4 SALISBURY Thomas Edward, Phoebe Ann & Samuel Hickman